
A Quebec map
P1080700 Auberge du Lac Pierre, Pointe du Lac
P1080701 Auberge du Lac Pierre, Pointe du Lac
P1080702 Auberge du Lac Pierre, Pointe du Lac
P1080711 Mary Ann at Auberge du Lac Pierre, Pointe du Lac
P1080712 Jane and Howard at Auberge du Lac Pierre, Pointe du Lac
P1080713 Jane and Mary Ann at Auberge du Lac Pierre, Pointe du Lac
P1080715 Cathedral of the Assumption, 1858, Trois Rivieres - Parish of Francois + Louise (Esnard) Bibeau
P1080716 Cathedral of the Assumption, 1858, Trois Rivieres
P1080717 Cathedral of the Assumption, 1858, Trois Rivieres
P1080718 Cathedral of the Assumption, 1858, Trois Rivieres
P1080720 Cathedral of the Assumption, 1858, Trois Rivieres
P1080721 Howard in Trois Rivieres
P1080722 Trois Rivieres
P1080723 Howard, Mary Ann and Joe, Trois Rivieres
