
P1090061 (02) Place d'Armes, old town, Montreal
P1090061 (03a) Joe by the Basilica Notre Dame, old town, Montreal
P1090061 (03b) Basilica Notre Dame, old town, Montreal
P1090061 (04) Howard, Joe and Jane, old town, Montreal
P1090061 (05) Herb flower box, old town, Montreal
P1090061 (06) Howard at Place Jacques Cartier, old town, Montreal
P1090061 (07) Street performers, Place Jacques Cartier, old town, Montreal
P1090061 (08) Jane, Howard and Mary Ann, Place Jacques Cartier, old town, Montreal
P1090061 (09) Lots of bees, Place Jacques Cartier, old town, Montreal
P1090061 (10) Joe by the City Hall, Place Jacques Cartier, old town, Montreal
P1090061 (11) Flowers by City Hall, Place Jacques Cartier, old town, Montreal
P1090061 (12) Garden of Chateau Ramezay, old town, Montreal
P1090061 (13) Church of Notre Dame de Bon Secours, old town, Montreal
P1090061 (14) Maison du Calvet (1725), old town, Montreal
P1090061 (15) Maison du Calvet (1725), old town, Montreal
